Why join Superhero Super?

man checking his superhero super

Discover the Superhero Super difference: a wide range of  investment options including direct ASX share investments and professional fund management and a seamless user experience, all in the palm of your hand.

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Apple’s new record

apple iphone macbook

Apple to buy back US$110B worth of shares while former ASX-200 company set to delist this month. Get your 3-minute weekly dose of financial news.

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No more sharing for Netflix

netflix subscribers grow

Netflix cracked down on password-sharing last year… next year, it’ll stop sharing subscriber numbers. Get your 3-minute weekly dose of financial news.

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Introducing $2 Trades

$2 trades are here

From 15 April 2024, Superhero will be implementing an updated pricing model. Learn more about the changes, including our introduction of $2 trades.

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