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Want to start investing with Superhero? You can transfer your existing portfolios from another broker or platform to Superhero.
How to transfer shares to Superhero
Australian Shares
To transfer some or all of your existing Australian shares to your Superhero account:
- Complete the Superhero Broker to Broker Transfer Form
- Provide a copy of your government-issued ID
- Send your signed (electronic signature is not accepted) Broker to Broker Transfer Form and a copy of a government-issued photo ID to us via chat or email at
Don’t forget to include your Superhero account number and make sure that the name on both accounts is the same.
U.S. Shares
To transfers all or some of your U.S. shares into your Superhero account, you have to follow this process:
- Complete the U.S. Share Transfer Form
- Provide a copy of your government-issued ID
- Send your signed (electronic signature is not accepted) U.S. Share Transfer Form and a copy of a government-issued photo ID to us via chat or email at
Transferring shares from another broker to Superhero incurs no fees on our end.
However, it’s important to note that there may be additional fees associated with specific transfer types, particularly for shares transferred from the Direct Registration System (DRS) through a transfer agent.
For a comprehensive breakdown of fees related to transferring assets out of Superhero, please check out our Superhero Fee Schedule.
Note: Unfortunately, fractional shares are unable to be transferred.Â

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