July 3, 2023

Reporting and tax with Superhero

Getting sorted for tax time?  Superhero has you covered with all the reports you need for your tax and reporting requirements. Get all the trades you made and dividends you received at your fingertips. These reports include: Portfolio Valuation Report: Shows you all of your current holdings with a summary of the gains or losses…

By Superhero Team

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Getting sorted for tax time? 

Superhero has you covered with all the reports you need for your tax and reporting requirements. Get all the trades you made and dividends you received at your fingertips.

These reports include:

  1. Portfolio Valuation Report: Shows you all of your current holdings with a summary of the gains or losses on each holding at the selected date.
  2. Transaction Statements: Shows you all transactions on your account between the dates selected.
  3. Cash Statement: Shows you all of the cash movements on your account between the dates selected.
  4. Unrealised Gain Report: Shows you all of the unrealised gains and losses on your current holdings at the selected date.
  5. Realised Gains Report: Shows your realised (traded) gains between the dates selected.
  6. Realised Gains Detail Report: Shows you a detailed breakdown of your realised (traded) gains between the dates selected.
  7. Fees & Expenses: Shows you all of the fees and expenses charged to your account between the selected dates. This does not include brokerage, which is capitalised and forms part of the cost base of your investments.
  8. Income Report: Shows your dividends between the dates selected.
  9. Attribution Managed Investment Trust Member Annual Statements (AMMA): The AMMA statement sets out the member’s determined member components for the income year, and will provide all attribution, distribution and cost-base adjustment information to the member to allow them to fulfil their own income tax obligations. This is relevant for those invested in Exchange-Traded Funds,. The report will become available after the ETF provider issues their AMMA report. 

Accessing reports

Your Superhero account comes with comprehensive reporting at no additional cost to you. 

Simply log in to your Superhero account on your desktop or mobile and navigate to “Reports” from the “Profile” section. You can select the time period you would like a report for. 

Tax reports for your Aussie and U.S. investments are available to download as CSV and PDF files from your Superhero app. 

Tax implications of trading shares

While Superhero does not provide tax advice, the reporting provided by Superhero will help you to meet requirements when it comes to tax time.

The government provides a number of resources to help you when it comes to the tax implications of trading shares.

  1. Australian Taxation Office
  2. Moneysmart

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  3. Get investing with brokerage from $2. Other fees may apply for U.S. shares.