Home > FAQs > Advisers > What features does the Superhero Adviser Platform offer?

What features does the Superhero Adviser Platform offer?

The Superhero Adviser Platform provides financial advisers with the ability to view their client’s Superhero accounts and/or transact on behalf of client’s accounts.

The Adviser Platform is available for both Share Trading accounts of all entity types (individual, company, minor) and for Superhero Super accounts.

The key features of the Adviser Platform are:

  1. Client Dashboard: View a list of all clients, their balances and their performance.
  2. Investments Dashboard: View a list of holdings across all clients, how many clients hold each security and the performance of the security across all clients.
  3. Client View: Select a client’s name to access their account, where you can view their detailed holdings and performance, invest on their behalf (if you have transact access), download reports and view their activity.
  4. Reports: Download a report for your entire client portfolio, or individual reports for each client.
  5. Adviser Details: View your adviser contact and business details, which your clients will also see on their account.

Adviser Fees: Get paid for fees relating to the services provided through the Superhero Adviser Platform with the option for either ongoing or one-off fees at an account level.