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How will I be able to access my super from 24 February?

We’ll reach out to you in February to provide you with log in details to the Superhero portal, where you’ll be able to manage your investments, check your super balance and more.

Can I still access the Slate Super / Simple Choice Super app?

No – you will no longer have access to the Slate Super or Simple Choice Super app after 31st of January 2025. From early February, you will be able to access the Superhero Super app. Look out for these details in your Welcome Letter or email from Superhero Super.

Can I still contact Slate / Simple Choice Super?

No, Slate Super and Simple Choice Super will close on 31st January 2025.

What details do I need to give my employer?

You need to inform your employer that your USI (Unique Super Identifier) has changed effective 1st February 2025. 

Fund Name: One Super
Sub-plan Name: Superhero Super
USI: 43905581638018
Fund ABN: 43 905 581 638

Your previous member number from your Slate Super / Simple Choice Super account will also be your member number at Superhero Super.
The member number is recorded on your Slate Super / Simple Choice Super annual member  statement.
Your most recent statement was sent to your email / mail address in December 2024. 

After the Limited Service Period, you can access your member number in the Superhero app.

Can my employer still contribute to my old Slate / Simple Choice account?

No – from 1st of February, employer contributions cannot be accepted to your old Slate Super or Simple Choice Super account . 

You need to inform your employer that your USI (Unique Super Identifier) has changed effective 1st February 2025. 

Fund Name: One Super
Sub-plan Name: Superhero Super
USI: 43905581638018
Fund ABN: 43 905 581 638

Your previous member number from Slate Super / Simple Choice Super will also be your member number at Superhero Super.
The member number is recorded on your Slate Super / Simple Choice Super annual member statement. Your most recent statement was sent to your email / mail address in December 2024. 

After the Limited Service Period, you can access your member number in the Superhero app.

What is a Limited Service Period and how will it affect me?

From the close of business on Friday 31 January 2025 to commencement of business Monday 24 February 2025, specific services and transaction capabilities will be subject to limitations during what we term the ‘Limited Service Period’. The intention of this period is to facilitate a seamless transition for your Slate Super or Simple Choice Super account to Superhero Super. Please refer to the Significant Event Notice for more details.

What’s a USI?

The USI (Unique Super Identifier) is a number used to identify a super fund. Once your super fund transfers to Superhero Super, you’ll need to provide the new USI to your employer to ensure your contributions continue seamlessly.

What happens if I don’t communicate the new USI to my employer?

From 1 February, contributions to Slate / Simple Choice Super will be rejected.

What will happen if I have an existing insurance claim with Slate/ Simple Choice?

If you have an insurance claim in progress on your Slate Super or/ Simple Choice Super account, this will continue to be assessed by the insurer and you will not need to resubmit your claim due to the transfer. Superhero Super will be in touch with you when the insurer provides us with an update on your claim. 

Do I need to do anything to transfer my funds to Superhero Super?

No action is required from you for your account to transfer to Superhero Super as part of the Successor Fund Transfer. Your Slate Super or Simple Choice Super account will be automatically transferred, and you will become a member of Superhero Super.


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