DIVERSIFIED OPTIONS handled hassle-free
Our pre-built Diversified selection of investment options make it easier to choose your portfolio based on how defensive or growth orientated you are.
Our Single Sector investment options offer you the chance to focus on key sectors such as Australian or International shares, Australian or International Fixed Interest & Australian Property.
THEMATIC investments FOR tomorrow’s world
From U.S. Tech Giants to Global Sustainability Leaders, our Thematic investment options give you the opportunity to invest in options that target a specific theme.
For those who want the flexibility to tailor their super their way, our best-in-class1 Direct Investment option gives you the power to get super flexible and specific with individual shares, ETFs, LICs and hybrids.**
We’ve got you! Members choose our pre-built Diversified options if they want to go more hands-off, leave it to the professionals but remain in control.
high growth
Push your super further with an option designed to deliver higher levels of growth with a high level of risk over the long term.
1 Year Performance
Push your super further with an option designed to deliver growth with a high level of risk over the long term.
1 Year Performance
This mixture of growth and defensive investments offers a medium to high level of risk.
1 Year Performance
Our most defensive diversified option gives investors a moderate level of risk.
1 Year Performance
Returns are for the period ended 31 December 2024. Performance returns are calculated net of investment fees and investment tax. Administration Fees and Costs are not included. Please refer to our Product Disclosure Statement for more information. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance for periods greater than one year is annualised. Investment returns are not guaranteed.
you can join in minutes
Create your account
Fill in your details and create your secure Superhero profile.
Choose your investments
Tailor your super with managed or direct investment options
Apply for insurance
Get the right coverage to secure your future. Eligibility criteria applies.
We’re invested in your questions
**Holding limits apply to investments held by members in Superhero Super. Please refer to the Superhero Super Product Disclosure Statement, Additional Information Guide and Direct Investment Guide for more information.
Ready to FLEX 

your super’s
Sign up now for a super fund that gives you the accessibility and flexibility to manage your wealth your way.**